Torquetune dynojet approveddynojetapproves1dynoheader1
Welding aluminium & steel

Torquetune experienced in aluminium welding
from the  smallest repair one off or batch work
for road or competition

weldcase2     minix011

Kit cars & specials

Kit cars and specials.
Motorcycle engined/carburetor vehicles welcome   

jag1205s   yelcar
Video of kit car on dyno   Here

Race & competition vehicles

Kit cars and specials.
Motorcycle engined/carburetor vehicle specialist
Being a ex grass track racer myself giving us
handson experience with a wide range of vehicle
and engine types & specifications        

bluegrass   a20013

Engine tuning & rebuilds

Engine rebuilds-tuning
Engine rebuilds and tuning modifications from a full
rebuild to a gas flowed head,repairs,valves,timing.
Many years working on grass track vehicles from all
classes including special's and motorcycle engines

v 044   escort3

MOT Preparation & Repairs

We undertake MOT preperation and repairs.
Most MOT work carried out in our workshops
telephone or email for a quote 

jag1205s   yelcar

Car dyno for 2WD vehicles

Torquetune 2WD dyno fully experienced in road
and competition vehicles with experience building
and  racing grass track cars.Fully experienced
with motorcycle  engined/carburetor  projects. 

russ20road   grasser2a

Machine shop

Machine shop services include head/block skimming,valve work,
performance modifications. On site service 

head grind2   russ lathe